Cemara Ayu Sdn Bhd
50-1, Persiaran 65C,
Pekeliling Business Centre,
Off Jalan Pahang Barat,
53000 Kuala Lumpur,
+603-4024 8588
+6019-978 3676
+603-4024 7588

Wet Zone_W 012 & W 013

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Wet Zone_W 012 & W 013  Wet Zone Spa Supply

Vitality Pool

Vitality Pools use prefabricated resistive therapy walkways, seats, work out walls, work out stations and beds. All are installed with independent pumps. A treatment usually takes 45 minutes. The water temperature is around 27c with a depth of 1200mm. Calorie “burn out” is assured,
as a circuit is equivalent to running a marathon, yet the client feels elated with a real improvement in Wellness and energy levels.

Hydrotherapy treatment units BIO Tech Energized water Recommended depth 115 cm Study & quotation available on request.

W 012
Swan Neck Vitality

Resistive Walk Way

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